St. Joseph’s Little Scholars adjoins St. Joseph’s Convent and for many decades operated as a small boarding school and then as a primary school, before it became solely a nursery for 3 & 4 year olds.
We are blessed to have a large campus, with facilities rarely found at a nursery.
Safe and enclosed playground away from noise and traffic. A free flow system means children can continuously enjoy all areas of learning outdoors.
A magical mini seaside holiday space. Dedicated wooden hut filled with sand and beach toys, buckets & spades, armbands, and natural seaside finds.
Muiti-use school sized gym used for special celebration concerts, a breakfast and after school club and Thursday mother baby/toddler club.
A lovely, well kept garden that the children enjoy all year round. Summer picnics, outdoor games and sports, running, dancing, caring for insects, flowers and plants.
A built in corner soft play area with steps and slide that children and toddler group enjoy playing in.
A wonderful sensory experience. Equipped with bubble lamp, fibre optics, projector, and many sensory play items. A cosy space for small groups to feel relaxed, calm and self-regulated.
2 Woodland themed, spacious, continuous provision rooms. The Owl room and Squirrel room are relaxed, warm & welcoming.
A special small Chapel attached to the Convent house. Used for short songs, hymns, stories and reflective thanksgiving during times of celebration.
As part of St. Joseph’s Convent, there is a real sense of family and longevity, with the Sisters providing a secure foundation built upon by members of staff. After many years working harmoniously together, the staff give a family atmosphere to the children in their care.
We are proud to have a very low staff turnover.
We make sure your children are safe and feel safe at all times.
A healthy environment and healthy food.
Fun, friendships and confidence.
Instilliing a love of learning.
Playing is fun and comes naturally to children. Studies have shown children retain more information and skills when taught through play.