Welcome to

St. Joseph's Little Scholars

St. Joseph's is an inclusive nursery for children aged 3 & 4.
Open 7.30am - 5.30pm, Monday - Friday, in school term-time.
15/30 government-funded places available.

Take a look around

St. Joseph’s Little Scholars adjoins St. Joseph’s Convent and for many decades operated as a small boarding school and then as a primary school, before it became solely a nursery for 3 & 4 year olds.  

We are blessed to have a large campus, with facilities rarely found at a nursery.

Large Playground

Safe and enclosed playground away from noise and traffic. A free flow system means children can continuously enjoy all areas of learning outdoors.

Beach Hut

A magical mini seaside holiday space. Dedicated wooden hut filled with sand and beach toys, buckets & spades, armbands, and natural seaside finds.

Full-size Gym

Muiti-use school sized gym used for special celebration concerts, a breakfast and after school club and Thursday mother baby/toddler club.


A lovely, well kept garden that the children enjoy all year round. Summer picnics, outdoor games and sports, running, dancing, caring for insects, flowers and plants.

Soft Play

A built in corner soft play area with steps and slide that children and toddler group enjoy playing in.

Sensory Room

A wonderful sensory experience. Equipped with bubble lamp, fibre optics, projector, and many sensory play items. A cosy space for small groups to feel relaxed, calm and self-regulated.

Spacious Classrooms

2 Woodland themed, spacious, continuous provision rooms. The Owl room and Squirrel room are relaxed, warm & welcoming.

Room to Reflect

time for reflection (Chapel)

A special small Chapel attached to the Convent house. Used for short songs, hymns, stories and reflective thanksgiving during times of celebration.

Dedicated Staff

As part of St. Joseph’s Convent, there is a real sense of family and longevity, with the Sisters providing a secure foundation built upon by members of staff. After many years working harmoniously together, the staff give a family atmosphere to the children in their care.


We are proud to have a very low staff turnover.

the child is the curriculum


We make sure your children are safe and feel safe at all times.


A healthy environment and healthy food.


Fun, friendships and confidence.


Instilliing a love of learning.

Learning through Play

Playing is fun and comes naturally to children. Studies have shown children retain more information and skills when taught through play.

What our parents say...

“Exceptional care is offered at St Joseph’s. Both my daughter and myself have felt looked after and supported. This has gone way beyond what I would expect from a nursery.”
“I cannot praise the nursery enough – my daughter has come on so much since attending here and we will all be very sad when she leaves. But will look forward to her little brother attending in a couple of years time.”
"St Joseph’s isn’t just a good nursery it’s the best. My son needed additional help and the staff ensured this was in place and fully supported his needs. They are all long serving members of staff with great experience and professionalism throughout."